February's Energies of the Heart

Feb 17, 2024


If you look back at the month of January, energetically we are invited to move forward into new beginnings, new growth and exploration. There’s fireworks, a sense of launching; the new calendar helps catapult us into a forward goal-oriented trajectory.

February continues this forward motion, but it also asks us to return. In fact, the energy is more circular; we are invited to cycle back for renewal and reflection before traveling forward, and then returning to be filled again. It’s not a linear journey. But it gets you a lot of mileage. And it’s all about the heart.

In fact, the heart’s physiology actually mirrors the contrasting energies of February: abundance and sacrifice, filling and letting go. With its chambers and passageways, it acts as a metaphor for life's contrasting experiences—the seen and unseen, the with and without—but also revealing the inherent unity within our existence. It's a reminder of the power of returning, of coming home to ourselves, regardless of where our journeys take us.

Think of the way the month starts out: with Mardi Gras, a celebration steeped in the themes of renewal, death, and rebirth, reminding us that life is a tapestry of endings and fresh starts. And then the SuperBowl and its excitement, competition, and camaraderie. Mid-month, Valentine's Day invites us to open our hearts to love, not just romantically, but in all its forms: friendship, care, compassion, connection. This year, February 14th also marks the beginning of the Christian Lenten season, with a period of prayer, fasting, and reflection, helping to deepen the journey into the heart's sacred spaces. And, as if to underscore the month's message, this leap year grants us an extra day—a reminder of the abundant opportunities to share ourselves with the world.

Consider the heart not just as an organ but as a teacher. Its passages remind us of the circulation of energy that sustains us. The heart's conduction, the flow of blood, and the emotional resonance it carries, offer lessons in how to live—reminding us of the importance of what we return to, what nourishes us beyond mere desire.

The heart desires to keep us alive, working tirelessly with what it has and what we give it. Its natural pacemaker and the rhythmic opening and closing of its chambers teach us about pacing our lives, about knowing when to open and when to close, what needs energizing and what needs calming.

As we navigate February's themes, let’s meditate on the heart's wisdom. What if we were to divide our lives into chambers, exploring the quadrants of our being? Where do we rest, and where do we find our true selves within the heart's protective embrace? These reflections can guide us in our interior and exterior journeys, teaching us about balance, renewal, and the art of witnessing our lives.

Fasting during this period is not about stopping but about engaging more deeply, becoming active witnesses to our own transformations. It's a practice that aligns with the heart's purpose—to keep us alive and thriving, in a state of constant renewal and love.

As we move through February, I invite you to join me in reflecting on these themes. Whether through personal rituals, mindfulness practices, or just listening to your heart, let's embrace the opportunities this month offers for growth, love, and renewal. Join my free Reiki circle for extra healing and insights.

For those seeking deeper engagement, Gratitude & Greens offers daily emails beginning February 14th with tips on detoxing, fasting, gratitude, and mindfulness. If you’d like a deeper dive into spirituality, Great Vows & The Gifts of Lent explores The Beatitudes of Jesus alongside the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali–specifically the Yamas, or Great Vows, which help us to abstain from all not serving us well. Together, let's explore what it means to nourish our hearts and spirits, finding our way back to the essence of who we are.

February reminds us that, no matter what journeys we undertake, we can always return to our heart's center—our home. It’s here, in the heart, that we witness the incredible transformation possible within us, a testament to the enduring power of love and renewal.